Or create it on mine and send to them somehow? Wou...
# 🌎general
Or create it on mine and send to them somehow? Would appreciate some guidance
you've got a few options - if a client already has a Workspace set up, they can just add you as a collaborator (they invite you via your email address and can decide via their admin dashboard what permissions you're granted)
another option is that you can build the bot entirely on your botpress account and export it from directly within the studio as a .bpz file. then, all your client needs to do is import that file and they'll have your bot all set up!
I personally recommend the first option, as it allows you to make edits after-the-fact, but you've got some flexibility
@cool-lizard-52608 The other option, if you're planning on building bots for various clients would be to check our partnership program! Fill in the form and someone from the team will reach out! Cheers 🙌 For more info: https://botpress.com/experts