is there a guide for how to get started with bot p...
# 🌎general
is there a guide for how to get started with bot press if you have zero experience with it
Hey @modern-carpenter-9855, @salmon-exabyte-57459 and @icy-ocean-83929. Glad to know you are trying out Botpress. It's a really powerful platform and we are working to make it more accessible via documentation and beginner tutorials.
In the meanwhile, please consume the documentation available at It has all content and resources for you to get started.
But feel free to drop questions in the #1111009377525186570 channel for whatever you need!
Now regarding triggers and bot-initiated conversations, we don't have documentation yet because the feature is in Beta. But if you would like to try it out, please use this form to request access:
I did not find these tutorials were enough for me to be able to successfully create the bot I wanted to create. I think I need a more detailed course
Hey @salmon-exabyte-57459, I understand you! We released new videos with explanation of key features and terms of Botpress!
Some of our community members have also created tutorials, look for them on Youtube!