Can help me how I can embed it with react. also ho...
# 🌎general
Can help me how I can embed it with react. also how I can use it for both english and arebic
Hey @lemon-tent-14722 , you can easily add your bot to your react app by adding the Webchat scripts to the tag in your html entry file.
Now regarding language, the bot can speak in any language you want. Just enable the translator agent (robot head upper left), and enable both options.
Thanks man. But can you please tell me How I can embed chatbot in react component without using the Pre-configured script
Unfortunatley you do need the script
There is no way to integrate botpress directly to React, unless by using the API
But you can do that with the scripts with no issues, you would just need to style the bot a little to make it compatible with small screens
Check out the docs on customization for more details: