Yeah ive had a lot of trial and error. Most vids a...
# 🌎general
Yeah ive had a lot of trial and error. Most vids and docs I listened too gave the impression you needed one big KB. For creating a Real Estate bot I thought putting listings and agents all under the same KB would be the move but it was not. Hahaha. Been pasting docs into GPT to help me understand.
Hey @tall-petabyte-97072 you can use our bot Max in the page to help you around the documentation!
Hey man thanks for the response. Do you happen to know if Bot Press works better with Plain text, pdfs or websites for KB's. One more efficient than others? Another question, imagine an AI chatbot for a university, AI bot collect raw input. Based on Input I have intents and utterances setup to look for 'academics' and 'admissions'. Am I correct in thinking I should create 2 seperate KB's? One for academics, one for admissions?
@early-train-33247 Hey sorry to tag, couldy ou tell me if this is a correct way of thinking whilst I know you're around? 🙂 Thanks man
The first question - The plain text source is the faster one, then PDFs, then websites, right @acceptable-kangaroo-64719?
Yes you should separate your bases if they relate to different topics. And in the Academics KB you could use several sources that are specific to that topic
Understood! The Academics KB, I have about 8 different .txt files already. Its just general casual information but will try to put it in the plain text to test efficiency. Earlier, I saw someone say this: Im interested in his message about bots being fed bad KB's information (not formatted the best, bad usage of pdfs, etc). Would you happen to know if this is correct? If so It could be root of some problems I have. haha
All the KBs are at more or less the same speed for answers, but text is definitely faster and easier to update and change. PDFs work best when they are text-based and don't rely on images, diagrams, or text on top of images/diagrams/strong patterns.
Thanks for the reply, perhaps @early-train-33247 can answer this one to if you know it. The KB's, they obviously are great but I've discovered like flowwise, langchain, and stackAI. After research and watching videos, are those integrations just essentially a better KB or are those integrations for more complex indexing of information for particular topics within our bot. Per my example, admissions and academics for a school.
Can it also read diagrams?
I would say they are for more complex knowledge bases. Botpress will do just fine with plain text, pdfs and even websites!
If the diagrams are text-based, it might!