Hi, please someone can help me? I don't my bot to ...
# 🌎general
Hi, please someone can help me? I don't my bot to respond about things that are not in its knowlege bases while using AI Tasks when it does not find answers in knowleges bases. I wonder if i must just desable AI Task to avoid it to reply about things out of its objectives as a bot. I also tried to configurate errors desableling AI Task, but responses don't always seem natural cause it's a defaut message.
Hey Dave, what exactly are you trying to do? If you want the bot to do something when it doesn't find anything in the knowledge base, create a transition with this:
You can replace the "I don't know" message with your AI task
Hi Gordy, I am trying to create a chatbot to answer questions about public services, administrations and administrative procedures. It's not a piece of cake man. I am building a prototype with just one administration.
To create this ytransition, do i have to create a new workflow or i have to add it in the main workflow. To tell ya, i don't relly use workflows, just the basics that already exist when u create your app. I understand how it work basically, but it's not easy for the moment, cause i am a bigginer.
you can put it in the main workflow
Thanks and where should i go to put this transition in the workflow please? I am a bit lost.
I can show you my workflow
click & drag it to be directly after the "start" node
cool lemme try it now
it worked thaaaaaanks a lot my friend. I am so happy. 😩
I wonder how to create variables. Is there a place to find them or they must be created?
they have to be created
After you make a variable, you can use it in a mesage with either
Ah okay i create them, then i call them, i see