Can anyone explain me how to get value of VITE_BOT...
# 🌎general
Can anyone explain me how to get value of VITE_BOTPRESS_BOT_ID_AS_USER variable to be included to .env file.
You can create config variables, which act like env vars in your bot's settings
I think you didn't get what I am asking is how to get VITE_BOTPRESS_BOT_ID_AS_USER variable to be added in .env file for project, as I want to save & see communication messages with users.
though it seems pretty straightforward
I'm pretty sure this is the bot ID
also from the README:
Copy code
To figure out your bot id as a user, open any conversation and go to the developer console. You will see a MESSAGES: [...] log. Open the list and look for the first message sent by the bot. Grab its userId and paste it in the .env file. This will be used for sending messages and for differentiating the bot from other users.
I get that how to get value of 4th variable VITE_BOTPRESS_BOT_ID_AS_USER value
Okay let me see, thnks
pretty sure you need to open the inbox console first to see the bot_id_as_user. Guihermy, the dev on that project, hangs around the server a lot. He can help, too
Hey @worried-plumber-65401. You can see the bot id by starting the project, entering any conversation with messages and opening your browser's Developer Tools. Look for the MESSAGES: [...] log, and find the first message sent by the bot, grab its userId and paste it in the .env file (not in the Botpress variables settings as you were trying before). This is the id of the bot in the conversation, it's the same for all conversations, so you can use it to differentiate the bot from other users in the conv. It's not mandatory no set the variable though, you can start the project without it. I will update the instructions to make that clearer!
Okay thanks Guihermy, for the clearification
One more thing, how can I change overall response language to english, as I can see currently it is in Portuguese.
It's actually in English already, just the date locale for formatting is in portuguese
I will add a feature to change language and timezone soon
Can you tell me the component from where I could change as I know ts, but don't have time to search for that particular component.
Sure, do a global search in VS Code with Ctrl + Shift + F, and type in ptBR
then open each file and replace it with enUS
now click Ctrl + . with the cursor in the enUS value, and click "update import from date-fns"
thanks I got it.