Hello, I talked to Alex on discord, but I couldn'...
# 🌎general
Hello, I talked to Alex on discord, but I couldn't find answers to my questions. I want to ask again here. We are a company that provides hosting services. We have 5 websites within the company. We use Tawk.to for live messaging. We manage our 5 websites from Tawk.to's management panel. So 5 websites are managed from a single panel. Now we are looking for a chatbot before live messaging for these websites. First, the chatbot will meet the customer and make the necessary directions. If necessary, it will transfer the chat to Tawk.to and we will be involved in the chat. We use WHMCS. Is Botpress WHMCS compatible? Chatbot should be able to talk to our customers both in English and Turkish, we should be able to integrate our social media accounts.Whatsapp facebook and instagram. Is unlimited bot $15 per month? Will we install all our websites and manage them from a single panel and pay $15 per month? Does Botpress meet our needs? Please return to these questions, we are at a decision stage, we need to find a chatbot and add it to our sites immediately. Sincerely regards, Burak