Workflow calls & transitions
# 🤝help
I'd like to know if this is a good explanation and if you could possible link me a YT video of this being executed. I am trying to undersatnd workflow and workflow variables. I've pasted docs into GPT to learn. The best I could come to what I think is a good explanation is this . Prompt: how can i ask a question about input variables. I dont get how a user can go from the main workflow to a custom workflow. What must I put in the main workflow that lets them transition. Answer "To transition from a main workflow to a custom workflow, or to pass information between workflows, you need to use something called a "workflow call" or "workflow transition". This is basically a special type of action or step in your workflow that triggers the execution of another workflow. Let's take an example: Suppose you have a main workflow where the bot asks for the user's name and you want to transition to a custom workflow that will verify if the user's name is in your database. Here's how you can do this: In the main workflow, create a variable (let's call it "userName") to store the user's response when they provide their name. At the point in your main workflow where you want to transition to the custom workflow, add a workflow transition or workflow call action. In this action, specify the name of your custom workflow (let's call it "NameVerification"). In the input box for the "NameVerification" workflow call action, type "{{userName}}". This will pass the value of the "userName" variable as an input to the "NameVerification" workflow. In your "NameVerification" workflow, create an input variable (let's call it "inputName") and set it as an input in the Entry node (as per the instructions you provided). This will receive the value of the "userName" variable when the "NameVerification" workflow is triggered. Use the "inputName" variable in the "NameVerification" workflow to carry out the name verification process. In this way, you can create a seamless transition from the main workflow to a custom workflow, and pass information between them using input variables. The user will simply experience this as a continuous conversation with the bot, even though behind the scenes, different workflows are being triggered. Remember, you can use the same process to return information from a custom workflow back to the main workflow by using output variables in the Exit node of the custom workflow. The returned variable can then be accessed in the main workflow using the {{workflow.variable_values..}} syntax. In conclusion, think of input and output variables as "passing the baton" in a relay race. They are a way for one workflow to hand off information to the next workflow (or receive information from a previous workflow), allowing them to work together to carry out a complex conversation process."
Would like to know more in depth possibly about workflow transitions and how to trigger them. My current struggle atm 🙂 thanks team
Its 2:30am so forgive my lack of testing at this moment but does this variable in this node have to do w/ the transistion of workflows?
the input and output variables don't have anything to do with transitions directly, but when you transition to a workflow (right click, Execute a workflow -> Your workflow name), you will be able to define that input
is that helpful? I'm not sure if i'm addressing your question. 😅
@acceptable-gold-88171 Thank you for clarifying that variables don't have anything to do w/ transitions directly. I didn't know about right clicking the main workflow, execute a flowflow, then name. I just tried it and ive gotten this. When a user gets to the 'Standard1' node and the 'new workflow' is called. Thats when the user 'transitions' into that workflow? (I know they don't actually go somewhere and its the same chatbot) but like logically thats when the user would have tripped this new workflow?
I could be simply overcomplicating things by being a noob so if that seems the case, feel free to say so
@acceptable-gold-88171 @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 @early-train-33247 Sorry for @'s , just want to get an update on this if possible. Ty!! 🙂
No worries, here are some clarifying facts about workflows for ya: * Main is a workflow. It is special because it is the default starting workflow, but other than that it is just the same as any other workflow. * I like to use workflows for bot features that require a bit of back-and-forth between bot and user. For example: - Asking for the opening hours of a store? Not a workflow, that can be a knowledge base answer - Asking for directions to the store? That is different for each user because users are not all in the same place. This is a workflow - Collect a user's contact information? This is different for each user. It is also a workflow * Best practice is for a workflow to fully complete itself and then return the user back to the main workflow. * Workflows can have their own separate variables that cannot be accessed by other workflows. There can also be variables that are accessible by all workflows. * A user can got through multiple workflows in a single conversation