how do I...
# 🤝help
Hey Botpress team, does this feature scan for every website update in real time or scan just once while adding? I just wonder if it is possible to create hotel recommendations for tourism companies. And one more question. When I opened the support chat on the Botpress site, the message was already written.(I am Sabrina and I am here to help you) I want the same with my chatbot. How can I do this? (simple step-by-step guide will be enough. thanks)
Regarding the Chatbot starting to write its currently a beta and they probably gonna implement it
Hey @flat-oil-99156, a couple things: * Web sources use a search engine like Bing or Google to find content on your website, so the bot's knowledge updates as frequently as these search engines index or scrape your website * Having your bot send a message first is in beta, and will be coming to general release soon. Documentation and step-by-step tutorials will come after the feature is released.
@acceptable-kangaroo-64719 when will be the feature released
hopefully in the next 1 - 2 weeks