Langflow with Botpress
# 🤝help
Has anyone successfully implemented the langflow API into Botpress, I just can't figure it out.
Hi Anej, what are you trying to integrate langflow into Botpress for?
In order to add agents and more specific AI features
Is it possible? @acoustic-hair-60678
I imagine it'd be possible to call the API in an execute code card but let's see if @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 @acceptable-gold-88171 have any thoughts. I'm also curious as to whether these agents and more specific AI features can't be recreated natively in Botpress. Any in particular you have in mind, Anej?
I know it can be implemented with Stack AI. I would like to do the same with langflow. I want to integrate agents, for example combining web scraping and pdfs and plugins that the agent can access.
@flaky-tailor-99511 I don't know of anyone who has done this. From my understanding Langflow is only for building langchain agents. Once they are built, something like langchain-serve is used to deploy bots. You might want to look how to connect Botpress with langchain-serve.
Thank you