File sent by bot displayed with null in the name
# 🤝help
As showed on the screen capture, we have null.pdf for pdf (message type file) sent on whatsapp channel. This same problem occur for image displayed as null.jpg. But the title property is set always. How to solve it?
That's interesting! How are you sending the file in Botpress?
Hi @damp-forest-63651 I opened a bug report in our github repo for the whatsapp integration
ok, thanks @acceptable-gold-88171 , will be listening
hello @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 not sending file to the bot, it is the bot sending file to the user. as it can send a card or an image
Hello @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 @acceptable-gold-88171 please, seem this issue has not been checked by botpress teams. Can you please, help us solve it?
Hey Arsene, we've filed a bug report with the team. Since this only affects the file's name and not its ability to be downloaded, etc, it hasn't been given the highest priority. But the team does know about it and it is on its way to being fixed.