New to botpress finding very confusing
# 🤝help
I am using Botpress v12 and want to shift the choice options in the chat area also want to keep the textbox for answering queries from Q&A and choice options which will serve as FAQs (like a predefined flow no other actions attached just information arranged in a hierarchy) Currently I have made a bot with only choice options but every time i want to go to the last node i have to add a back button on the next node and link it to the last node hence want to shift the choice buttons in the chat history area so that they stay there even if the chat progresses. As for the textbox I want to take custom questions asked by Users which will be searched through the Q&A Knowledge Base and answered. (the KB i will be updating, increasing the knowledge and efficiency of the bot) Also at welcome message i have learned to make the bot proactive so now I want to take mobile number from the user before showing him the choice options or answering questions from the KB.(the field at that time of storing mobile number should accept only 10 numerical digits likewise) Going forward I want to learn how to call APIs and use them. A discord call would be great if anyone wants to know exactly what I am working on and how I want it to be 😀
Hey @clean-jordan-46679, any particular reason why you're using v12? The cloud version is much easier to work with. To answer your questions: 1. To make a choice skill that can take button or free text input, you need to set the number of retries to 0 and add an on fail transition that goes to another node where you listen for intents. If you want to listen for qnas instead, you'll need to manually send the qna with an action like 2. There are no knowledge bases in v12, only qnas. You cannot upload a document or search a website, only manually add questions and answers. For best results, we recommend 15 - 20 utterances per qna.
@acceptable-kangaroo-64719 Heh the reason for using v12 is cost😄 , we are a really small company and based in india the pricing in USD makes it verry expensive for us. I'll go through the solutions and convey!!
ok good luck
pattern entities is not exactly what i want, the thing im aiming for here is restricting user input to only 10 numerical digits nothing other will be taken nor will the flow proceed
like a loop with a rule having "unless the user enters 10 numerical digits the loop wont break"
there's not a way to put that kind of restriction in place right now