HTML in send message
# 🤝help
Hi there, In the send message doc for text it says we can embed HTMl for the web channel but when we do the tags render out. Can you advise on how to format messages with the send message option? I see that it supports some markdown... We're trying to format a step list. This is the link to the docs that lead us to this: **What we want to do**: Provide HTML including iframes in the web channel **What you expect should happen**: The web channel renders the HTML content as a browser would **What's happening instead**: It's rendering with the tags visible, wether we have the full HTML or just tags.
Hey @glamorous-vase-99412, the documentation is, unfortunately, wrong. HTML is no longer rendered in text content, only markdown. You can still do numbered lists in markdown, though!
Thanks. That helps us know how to format this response. Is there a way to render html? Custom card? Or will we need to use the SDK and build a custom integration to handle that?
Good question! @colossal-egg-20510 what do you think?
^I only ask as we would typically embed a rich media display of our content rather than steps alone. We can provide it as a link but we believe it's more powerful embedded into the convo, here's an example embeded in an existing chatbot. This is using an iframe from a webhook (in a modal card from ADA)
This was a typo sending html isn't available. It was supposed to be written markdown. But, this is a feature we are currently looking into in the revamp of the Webchat. Stay tuned! 🚀