The translation doesn't work
# 🤝help
Hello, after this last update, my bot only responds in English. My knowledge base is in Portuguese and it is configured to respond at start following this base. when it generates the response in the tester it appears in Portuguese but in the sequence it translates to English.
Hi @important-plastic-96249, can you verify that your bot language is set to Portuguese? You can find it by going to chatbot settings > content language
yes I tried that but it didn't work. I also tried to activate or deactivate it in Translator Agents and it doesn't work either
Have you tried forcing the translator agent to use Portuguese? You can do this by running this in an execute code card:
user.TranslatorAgent.language = 'pt'
I did and it didn't work, the strangest thing is that in the tester it first presents the answer in Portuguese and then translates it. I left the chatbot without flow just responding to KB and it still translates
Interesting. Could you share some screenshots of your flow?
There is no flow, the answers only come from the KB which is all in Portuguese. In the other prints you can see that he responds in Portuguese and in the sequence translates to English
I created a new chatbot and just entered 2 email in your knowledge base. And in this case, you are answering part in Portuguese and part in English
Well the theory is that, no matter what languages your KB is in, the translation agent puts everything in a single language at the end. When you test your bot with the big Portuguese KB, are your questions in English? If so, it'll translate the content to match whatever language you're speaking.
in the original chatbot I only speak in Portuguese and he answers everything in English
@acceptable-gold-88171 do you have any ideas?
@important-plastic-96249 do your Portugese documents contain a bit of english? If you try to change the description so it's in Portuguese, does it help?
Could you send me the Contact e-mails text so I can try to reproduce it locally? (as well as the questions your are asking the bot)
Patrick this base help to you understanding this case?
Yes, thank you!