Bot stops responding to requests and hangs up
# 🤝help
After about 5 replies from the bot, it almost always stops responding to requests and hangs up. 🤔 How can I find out why and solve the problem?
Hey Igor, are there any errors in the logs when this happens?
I have tested this from my website and I can't see any errors.
does it act like this in the emulator?
I will wait until the error occurs again and let you know, thank you for your answer.
it just works like clock 😉
so @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 , now on the website it has suddenly stopped without any further reaction or response to a new enquiry
how big is your knowledge base?
I currently have 7 ca A4 format documents as docx and plan some more. Do you think this could be the reason?
are there any preferences as to the format in which the documents should be made available?
are they particularly large documents? Like 50+ pages in total?
no, definitely not
is it better to put everything in one document, all the topics? Or one topic at a time for each document?
No, separate documents is perfectly fine. I'm just wondering why the time it takes to search the KB is so long.
I cannot define these errors exactly, i have only observed that it stops after about 5-6 answers and remains silent
dumb question, but is your flow programmed to stop after 5 - 6 answers?
no, I don't programming so.
The documents are, of course, all written in German and bot has to translate it, it might take a little longer, but why stop completely is not clear
I am also unsure. Would you be able to share the bot? Perhaps I could reproduce the error on my side
I made the bot from the standard template for "document knowledge" without any additions except user.language.
of course in DM
@acceptable-kangaroo-64719 thank you very much for your help and the time you have spent on this ❤️🙏
no worries. What test questions are you using? I'm able to ask the bot "Wer ist Dr. Hodorkovski?" 5+ times in a row
the bot is slow to answer, though. Not 60 seconds slow, but 30 seconds slow
i ask him about aesthetic treatments i perform
I also find that bot is extremely slow
could you give me a phrase I can copy/paste? Nein spreken zie deutche....
😊 ok
bieten sie faltenbehandlungen an? ich suche informationen nach brustvergrößerung? wann haben sie freie termine? wie viel kostet faltenbehandlung?
this one gave me trouble, but the bot didn't stop
so far I've been able to get 10+ answers out of the bot in the same conversation
and it's not latency or distance from the servers, cuz I'm pretty sure I'm further away from the botpress servers than you are
what exact gave your truble?
maybe it's the browser you're using?
"wann haben sie freie termine?" the bot didn't give a KB answer and went straight to the follow-up questions
but then I asked the same question again and the bot answerd
I'll be back in about 20 minutes
I'm back again 🤓
and what does that mean? "the bot didn't give a KB answer and went straight to the follow-up questions but then I asked the same question again and the bot answerd"
the bot did this
yes, first he says that he doesn't understand the question and then he finds an answer from the KB after a second question.
ahhh, okay I misunderstood what the bot said, then
So if you use those same questions you sent me, does the bot get hung up?
These questions"
Copy code
bieten sie faltenbehandlungen an?
ich suche informationen nach brustvergrößerung?
wann haben sie freie termine?
wie viel kostet faltenbehandlung?
it is somehow independent of the questions, are the answers in KB or are they not in KB?
the above Q/A are included in KB
but not exactly like this, only as keywords
that's also the idea for ChatGPT, that it generates the answers itself, otherwise a very simple bot with Q/A would be enough for my purposes, but something like Botpress is unique and simply great!
There might be a realtionship between how in-scope the question is and how long it takes to answer the question. Have you compared the answer time for in-scope vs out-of-scope questions?
no, not yet, but that might be a good idea of yours to test it, i'll give it a try and get back to you, ok?
by the way, wouldn't a plain text knowledge option be faster for me? I just can't find something like that for Q/A with me?
I mean these options with "10 Questions"
yeah plain text would be better. The whole "Support Questions" was phased out about a month ago and is only present as a legacy on bots that were made back then. Behind the scenes its the same thing, but plain text are faster for the end user
I will then create plain text for all KB, let's see if anything changes
and better many small KB or one big?
many small KB