Bot and Website
# 🤝help
We have created a new chatbot for a new business project we are currently setting up, where Bot is a game script and player has to answer clues etc. The Bot is virtually completed, albeit with a few cosmetic changing to appearance to sort out. The inention is have this appear on our website, with that in mind my IT guy has created a simple web app written using Node.js that serves as a dummy web page that just loads the Bot up in full screen. We have been using this to test the game and iron out any issues etc. Recently we switched domain provider, and without our IT guy being onboard for a few months due to health reasons, I completely forgot this might cause an issue when it comes to continued testing, as currently the Bot won't load at all, before I get another IT person in to have a look at it, is there an 'easier' way to update this so that the Bot is recognised by the new web domain etc for someone with very limited knowledge in Bots and coding etc... Any help or pointing in the right direection would be much appreciated... Thanks Steve
Hey @brief-twilight-59468, is your bot emebedded into the new page? Embedding the bot is pretty easy. Just go here in the dashboard, copy the "Embed Script," and then paste it into your website's HTML page.
Gordy, many thanks for your reply. Currently our Bot isn't embedded into our website, it runs on a simple separate web page that has the Bot embedded into it... just need to get back testing it but as mentioned due to changes domain it now doesn't load and I'm not IT savvy enough to fix it...
It sounds like an issue with your website, not Botpress. As long as the embed code is in the site's HTML, the bot should load. Are there any firewalls or things that are blocking outside code from running on your main site? Those could interfere with the bot loading.
im sure this has been spoken of, i cant show a demo to my clients using an embed into a page is a huge issue for me, is there a workaround for this?
How are you embedding the bot in your page?
using html
Would you mind sharing the part of your HTML where you're embedding the bot? I can double-check it
Hi so the embed is working only it is popping up as a chat icon- I would like it to be on the page so i can demo it for my clients without it showing up on my whole site
Yes, thanks for your help Gordy!