Expression that evaluates if the knowledge base ha...
# 🤝help
Hey, What I am looking for is an expression (and thus a variable) that evaluates if the knowledge base has returned an answer or not. I am pretty sure that I've seen it somewhere but I canno't find it back. On that subject, is there a documentation somewhere about all the system variables available (thing like event, workflow...) I don't know if I am blind but I canno't find anything. Thanks a lot
Hey @bulky-dusk-45106, try this:
Copy code
event.nlu.elected_facts.length == 1 && event.nlu.elected_facts[0].id=="dont_know"
the facts from the knowledge base that are relevant to the user's question are stored in the array
. This expression will check to see if there is only one fact chosen, and then look at that fact to see if it is the built-in "I don't know" fact
There's not much documentation about the system workflow. You can put a request in over at #1111026806254993459 and start a discussion about this!
Thank you ! I will try that
So I played around with this expression, but I cannot make it work. No matter if the KB is triggered or not, the elected_facts are only populated by the default "I don't know" value and nothing else. I guess it has to do with where the expression is placed in the flow ? At the moment I trigger the KB with an action card and then put the evaluating expression right after, but it still doesn't work.
can you tell me more about how you trigger the KB with an action card?
I simply ask a question I know the Kb has the answer to
using the api?
No in the studio, with an uploaded pdf KB
could you share a screenshot of your flow?
is this box checked on your knowledge agent?
I just tried without it and it didn't change the outcome
if that's the case, that expression should go immediately after the Start, like this
Ok I will try this
So here the flow will always end up on fact found, wether or not the KB has returned an answer
From what I can gather, elected_facts content never changes no matter if the KB returns something or not. Its value is always 1 and "I don't know"
I just realized that the expression was for the KB not finding an answer lol, so I mixed the result a bit. Sadly this doesn't change the problem that no matter the result of the KB the expression will return true
yeah, the expression is for the KB not knowing the answer. It should be the first thing in that node, above any other cards
It is:
Here the knowledge base does return something, yet it still ends up on not found
What happens if you disable the "enable knowledge answering" on Standard2?
Same behavior, wether or not the KB finds something, it ends up on "fact not found"
what about if we change
event.nlu.elected_facts.length == 1 && event.nlu.elected_facts[0].id=="dont_know"
event.nlu.elected_facts.length === 1 && event.nlu.elected_facts[0].id==="dont_know"
basically making everything three = rather than 2
Same behavior
To me it seems like event.nlu.elected_facts don't change when the KB is triggered
That ought to be the place where any facts (or lack therof) are placed. @acceptable-gold-88171 got any ideas?
Just a random theory but with the introduction of the new Knowledge agent, maybe the way the facts are handled has been changed
That reminded me that Agent variables are stored in `event.state.agentVariables`maybe there's something there for knowledge agent, let's check
yep, looks like there is something there. Here's what it looks like when I ask a question it doens't know
whereas if it does respond, I get
Oh nice, so something like event.state.agentVariables.KnowledgeAgent.turn === false should work then
That should work, yeah. Give it a try and let me know, eh? 😁
Yep it does work ! Thank you for the help ! 🙏
awesome, glad we found a solution!