Database error message + Transcription issue
# 🤝help
Here is the translation of your message in English: I have two minor issues with my Botpress studio, I made a 1m50 screen recording so you can see the problems more easily. 1. Every time I want to open my Bot Studio Editor, here is the error message I receive: "There are 94 documents in the database which are not used in your knowledge bases. They may affect your bot's answers" However, I don't understand where the error comes from since I don't feel like I've done anything different than usual. My documents are where they should be, I think. 2. I would like the bot to answer users' questions in French. All the bot's settings are in French, even the content of the database is in French as you can see in the video i linked but it continues to answer in English. It's only when I specify in the personality tab "respond in French" that it will start responding in French. This is a workaround, but I don't know if it's the most effective way and I'm afraid it might cause conflicts.
Hey @tall-sugar-91642, I'll tackle your questions one by one
1. This is just a warning and can be ignored. It is there to help users streamline their bots, but it is not always necessary. There's not a way to disable it, though. You can make a post about it on #1111026806254993459 and our dev team will take a look
2. The best way to do translations is with the translator agent
Hello @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 👋, I recently started a YouTube channel and in my second video i used botpress. It got 1.5k views in 2 days with 0 subscribers.

I've received a lot of feedback from viewers who are eager to learn more about Botpress, but are facing language barriers as they do not speak English. (I'm French) In response to this, I've decided to create a video where I go over the entire Botpress documentation. However, I am also a TRUE beginner and there are certain areas where I'm facing difficulties. Specifically, I'm currently stuck on a demonstration where I'm unable to figure out how to store the result of an API call in a variable so that I can display it in the bot's response. I linked the pictures of the documentation demo i'm talking about + the API answer i got. (Getting started-Tricks and Tips) My videos will bought a lot of interest to Botpress from the (french native speakers) community so i'm looking forward to learn the basics of the tool and teach people about it. (Also can i keep ask my question here or do i have to open a new "help ticket" everytime i have a question
Hey Mattiu, congrats on the YouTube views! Axios returns API results in an object, typically you will need to do a bit of processing after making the api call. I like to use
const data = await axios.get() workflow.response = data.response
, but there are many more ways to do it. Take a look at for more info