not getting the right intent
# 🤝help
i have added new intents to my main flow , and the bot doesn`t seem to distinguish between them , when i ask him to view a comment , it runs add comment , and i made sure to add other alternatives in each intent to make it easier for the bot to understand , here is a screen shot :
hey @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 , could you help with this ?
hey @modern-finland-97226, what phrase are you testing with?
i would like to view a comment / or show me a comment.
that could be it. Your extra phrases for "add comment" all end in "...a comment" You could try adding some variety to both the add and view intents and it might work better.
Some examples could be: * Add a new comment * Submit my comments * I want to put a new comment in * show me comments * Let's see some coments, please * read what the comments say
the problem is persisting : it always enter into the add comment workflow
what happens if you say something that is already on that list, like "check comment"
weird isn't it ? :/
that is strange
let me try to replicate this on my end. Are you using any agents?
yess : You are jira assistant chatbot , you help user with his tickets need. try to answer the user question as honestly as possible, if you don't know , answer in a creative way that you don't know. , and here is a screenshot :
what's in your capture card?
it is working fine with the other intents btw,
anything ? 🙂
So I was able to replicate the behavior a little bit. Turns out that the capture card in front of your transitions needs to be a "Raw Input" capture type, otherwise intent detection can be buggy.
there has also been a release today that fixes a lot of the intent bugs, so that might also be it
good morning , thank you for trying to help , it is already set to Raw input as shown in the screenshot: ,i hope the updates will fix this issue 🙂
@acceptable-kangaroo-64719 hello , did the intent update has been released ?
hey @rich-battery-69172, could you please tell me if there is anything to change that could make this work fine ? i'm planning to add more intents and i'm afraid if everything get mixed up!
Hey Nadab, looks like inline intents are still not exact matching. I'll check with the team and get back to you.
hey all – i confirm exact matches still a problem