Multiple choice
# 🤝help
Whats the best way of setting up a multiple choice where the user can select multiple items click done and move to the next question. eg select pizza toppings. Thanks again
Hey @clean-branch-56468, while there is a "Multiple Choice" option on capture cards, it isn't working as well as it should right now. Our engineering team is working on it, and hopefully a fix will be deployed soon
In the meantime, a workaround you could try is saving your pizza toppings in a List entity and using an AI task to extract all the pizza toppings present
Thanks but without the multiple choice how do you present the user with the available toppings?
Perhaps a bullet point list in a text message?
Would you save the result to an array and ask so to create the array [“peppers”, “onions”]
Ask AI to create
you could do that, yeah. Just put an empty array variable in the AI task output
Does the listener support markdown , or is there a way of styling text when typing a question?
a limited set of markdown is supported. ** for bold, _ for italic, ` for code, * or - for unordered lists, 1. or 1) for ordered lists, (text)[url] for links
I think that's it
Hi all . I have this list of flavors (bouye simple, bouye-fraise,bouye-coco,melon,Gingembre-ananas,ananas-melon,cocktail) that I set as a entity list with the name 'flavors'. I would like to make a multiple choice but it doesnt work.I was trying t do it through AI task but i dont know how o set that list as an input. Please could you help me make with this.Thanks
You would need to save the user's selection from the multiple choice card to a new variable. Then you can pass this variable as an input to the AI task