How to protect input (like a password) from the us...
# 🤝help
I am searching for a way to let the user type a password and that botpress show it with *. But did not find in the documentation how it is done.Can you give me a tip about that? I have not found a way to do it in botpress, but it seems it is possible. Can anyone give me a tip about it?
Hey @damp-forest-63651, we're working on this feature right now. In an upcoming release, you'll be able to change the webchat config or CSS on the fly during a chat, and that would allow you to change the properties of the text composer (where the user types) to add security. Keep an eye on #1111016943370113174 over the next few days!
Ok. thanks @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 for the feedback. Will that be possible in whatsapp as well?
probably not. Since WhatsApp is a 3rd party channel, they control what you can and cannot do, not Botpress.