best database to use with botpress
# 🤝help
Hi, I'm building a workflow where I want to save the information at the end on a db, what is the best solution ? (easiest to use with botpress) thanks
Postgres is the best lightweight DB and is really good.
is it easy to do api calls to read/write in the db?
If you are a web developer (python/Flask/Django) you will have to code the service calls using development tools. It's true for any DB...
@important-dawn-82568 just in case this question is for for Botpress 12, -> you could ask in #1112845893931110402 🙂 ~~Otherwise, you can store information into Botpress users directly like shown in the screenshot. ~~If you have to save to an external DB, please use axios to call an api endpoint of your making, like @better-family-57910 mentioned.
we can't use axios since botpress doesn't allow to import axios ? no ?
axios is imported in execute code scripts, you don't need to import it. 🙂
@important-dawn-82568 you must create aserver that's connected to a database like Postgres, then you would make api calls with axios to the server url. the easiest way to set a server up is to start a Node/Express/Prisma project. Look for videos on YT and you'll find lots of content and tutorials. Checkout Heroku student credits, you can set up a server with a database plugin for free
Otherwise, if you want to connect directly from Botpress, you can upvote this and add your use case :