looking to hire someone to build for me a botpress...
# 🤝help
hello, i am looking to hire someone to build for me a botpress chatbot for my business
I remember seeing @acceptable-cpu-41904 talking about this!
I'm interesting in hiring a consultant for Botpress too. Feel free to message me.
Are you looking for an individual or organization consultant?
Hello, I'm currently busy building my own bot for my company, but my friend would like to get into chatbot building. Would you like to get in touch? If you have a relaxed timeline with a low budget in mind, but still demand high quality, I think this could be a good collaboration. Trying to help the friend out in exploring this space, and they are very capable and diligent and also easy to deal with. You could first contact me, by first adding me as a friend on discord and sending a message. Ill ask for further details on the scope and requirements on the project and your contact email address, I'll forward it to the friend and they will contact you with a basic prototype and proposal
The same invitation is extended to @acceptable-cpu-41904 @cool-rain-25580