Getting consistent location information
# 🤝help
I'm trying to train a bot to provide location data relative to a hotel location (e.g. closest airports). When I ask it "what airports are nearby hotel colorado?" I get a perfect answer. If I ask "what airports are nearby?" I'm clearly not getting the origin point right - how do I provide context to "what airports are nearby?" to ensure it knows what it should be nearby?
Hey @astonishing-piano-49496, looks like this is coming from your knowledge base having a "web search" source in it. Because of this, your knowledge base has a specific source about the hotel colorado, and a general source about everything else. How it answers questions mirrors this: hotel-specific questions get answered from the hotel knowledge base, and general questions get general answers. The easiest solution then is to remove the web search knowledge base.
well I need both for different searches. I think we need a way to better steer requests one way or another?
Yes! Check out this bit from the last livestream where we do just that: