Wait animation
# 🤝help
Hi.. I am using botpress. I have an API which takes some time to respond. How can i show animation of waiting to user, till I get response from API ?
@loud-army-1145 As far as I know there's no way to do this right now, but i'm sure we will add it at some point. This is a great candidate for a #1111026806254993459 post 🙂
Thanks @acceptable-gold-88171 ...for now I am showing animation image before api is called.. Is there a way to delete previous message once api response is received?
Not for the moment. I suppose when the API is released, it will be possible but somehow involved, especially once you start thinking multi-channel. I think a feature request for this specific functionality is the best way forward.
Sure will add in feature request.. Mmm. The only option left is to handle via Javascript on web channel and hide the message. 😬.. Dirty fix till feature comes in..