My Chatbot Won't Stop Greeting."
# 🤝help
My chatbot keeps greeting throughout the conversation. I believe the greeting should only happen at the beginning, but for every question, it repeats the greeting. I belive it started to happen after the agents update
Hi @ambitious-vr-9887 are you using Bot Personality at all?
I am, my description is: You are a problem-solving assistant for a supplement company called sleepie, try to communicate in simple terms
Yep, no greeting instructions in there. What about AI tasks? I find that, if you mention "Greeting" in any AI tasks, it'll lean into that part of the task very hard.
It's a bit strange, isn't it? Is there anything that can be done?
it is a bit strange, yeah. What kind of knowledge base sources are you using?
i am using plain text
in the format of Q&W
That's interesting. I stole your personality description and didn't get any greetings in the answers. What's your bot ID?
Your text KB source is in the "Smalltalk" knowledge base
Try making a new knwoeldge base and migrating your text content into it
I'll try this, thank you!
I migrated the information to a new KB but nothing changed. I disabled the personality, made it shorts, and now it seems to be working well
cool, I'm glad you found a workaround!
Hey I am facing the same issue, but I don't want to disable the personality bot yet not get greeting in every response. Can you please help me with this?
Hey I am facing the same issue, but I don't want to disable the personality bot yet not get greeting in every response. Can you please help me with this?
Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 3.58.17 PM.png