Controlling Knowledge Base inputs
# 👀feature-requests
It would be really helpful to have variables stored from user inouts that then adjust what the bot output is based on that information. ie user I outs vehicle year/make/model and then questions asked after provide results for only that vehicle combo.
@prehistoric-caravan-92312 thanks for the suggestion! do you mean that KBs would use that context to filter out the content and adjust the response, or something else?
Yes that exactly
If the user said something like "I'd like to change my vehicle or I'm working on XYZ" then it would start a chain where the inputs can get replaced, either by looking at what the user says they have, (I have a 1998 Mazda Miata) or nodes asking specific questions (what is the year of your vehcicle?)
Here is what I have currently
You can see from the chat, it's asking for vehicle specifics, and based on that provides a specific result, I also want all future questions the user asks to rely on the stored variables and provide results only for that vehcile combo
Thanks! that makes a lot of sense. can you share a higher-res screenshot?
@rich-battery-69172 here you go