Add the possibility to add support questions to th...
# 👀feature-requests
QnA used to work with questions and answers. When switching to the KB version the information was turned over with the answers as "plain text" and the questions as "support questions". Currently it does not allow to add support questions to the info added in plain text form and the bot does not work properly without those support questions. Can you please add this option again? Thanks!
Hi @mysterious-arm-39634 👋 Gordy addressed something similar in this thread Let us know if that takes care of the Q&A for you
Hi @acoustic-hair-60678 many thanks for your answer! i've been putting the information like this for a while now but unfortunately it doesn't work properly. the only way it works properly is with support questions. is it possible to add them again soon?
Hmm, that's strange it's not working. I don't think we'll be reintroducing support questions however that method should be a viable solution. @acceptable-gold-88171 @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 any ideas here?
Hey @mysterious-arm-39634, I spoke with the team and support questions will not be returning to Botpress cloud. You can still continue to add Q&A content in to your knowledge bases as plain text. Since that hasn't been working out well, though, could you show me a sample of your knowledge base?
sure @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 do you want me to add you as a collaborator so you can directly access the bot?