Ability to write notes: TODO/FIXME/BUG/etc.
# 👀feature-requests
I believe the ability to write notes on sticky pads or to create a coloured annotation on a node which has a hover popover would be beneficial to get back to some possible added features. Assuming I write the first iteration of my chatbot with little care to get something working, when I go back to refactor it (as I would in a regular codebase), I'd like to know where I wanted to create additional functionality and what that functionality was.
While they don't add this feature, you could add whatever text you want in the node description, and refer back to these notes by using the search. 😉
I don't think we are sure yet how our note taking system is going to be. @little-translator-50218: thanks for creating this feature request! Any details you provide goes a long way to help us craft our product.
thanks for this, will try this for now
my pleasure, just want to see Botpress do great
I would be a taker on this one, would really make it easier to collaborate on bot building.
@little-translator-50218 thanks for the original request! Feature delivered ✅ https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1111016943370113174/1120508825267613706
@acoustic-hair-60678, no! Thank you. The pace you guys are working at is amazing. I've began using them and they've increased my bot building productivity. Keep it up guys
@little-translator-50218 That was an amazing feature request! thanks 🚀