Extract from history placed in constant loop
# 🤝help
Hi, not sure if there's something wrong with my flow but somehow "extract from history" seems to place me into a loop. The moment I remove that function, the loop seems to be gone.




Because your capture card is a "raw input" input, it will accept anything. "Capture from history" looks at the past n user messages for anything acceptable. Since "raw input" will accept anything, it creates a loop.
Ahh is there any way that I can prevent it from capturing that option "Generic question"?
But I do want it to capture information down the line
you can turn "capture from history" off. If you ever need to look through chat history, there's the Summary agent that can help with that
How do I feed this {{conversation.SummaryAgent.transcript}} into the raw input capture information so that knowledge agent can use both the summary agent and the user input together and find the information for me?
It's complicated. Knowledge wasn't designed to be contextual, so we have to use workarounds. I go through the best options here https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1128625552354455562/1128657522258087976