Pre-configured option of webchat having issues
# 🤝help
So I have updated my webchat integration with using the Botpress styler thinking that the pre-configured option code would automatically change the look on my website. However, even after waiting 30 minutes hoping that it takes awhile to update, nothing changed. The chatbot is still in its default look. I then tried using the 'configurable' option and it works totally fine as expected. Is there something wrong with the code for pre-configured option right now?
Hi @careful-keyboard-68830 , could you paste here the pre-configured code that you're using? To check if there's any issue with it. Also, is the custom style working with the Shareable URL of the webchat? Could you share that URL with us as well to compare? Thanks!
Just double checked, pre-configured code seems to be working now. Custom style is not working for shareable URL. Though it is working for the in-built "chat" feature at the top menu bar.
Will DM you the code and URL
Thanks, I just checked with the team and it's because the Shareable URL only uses its own styling. In order for your webchat to use your custom stylesheet you'd need to embed the webchat in a page on a server you own.