User Interface Design
# 👀feature-requests
Can we design the user interface of the bot the way we want, like including brand colors, a caption, a bot icon etc?
Here’s how you can customize your bot: 1. Visit: 2. Customize your bot style by adjusting the colour, border radius, chatbot positioning, and more. 3. Obtain the Stylesheet URL. 4. Go to Integrations > Webchat > Stylesheet URL in your Botpress Admin Dashboard. 5. Paste the provided URL and save the changes.
That's exactly right, @bland-pillow-28467 ! Thank you 💪 @acceptable-kite-24353 if you're more of a visual learner, we just released a video showing how to do this:

This is a good video buuuuut..... (1) Most of your users will be intimidated by github. That is just one more obstacle to getting their bot up and running and looking good. I guess you used that because who knows what hosting options all of your users will have, but still. (2) It would be soooo much easier if you guys just add the 7 or 8 missing elements to your styler. Right? Maybe I'm missing something but this seems like a really easy win for you guys that would save your users many many hours of time.
Meantime, a much simpler location for your option two is just make a file on Google Drive, right-click it and "Get Link."
@bland-pillow-28467 @acoustic-hair-60678 Thank you for the answers. I tried the webchat styler and honestly I'm not happy with its performance. Both coloring options and length and breadth options don't work properly in the shared bot. Some colors are picked up while other colors are as per default settings. Also its way too basic. Must add an option to use bot persona, a caption that says "Welcome to ______" etc. As a non coder, coding way is intimidating. We are here on botpress believing that its a great no code option to build bots. Not only that. When I share the bot link and view it on mobile, the text in the bot looks very small and unreadable. This shows its not mobile compatible. I request quick improvements in these areas as these are basic requirements. I am not able to share the bot with anyone without the aesthetics. But I must appreciate the botpress team as some of the features like personality agent, knowledge base and AI response are super powerful. Thank you. Keep improving keep growing.
@rich-oxygen-43707 @acceptable-kite-24353 thank you both for your feedback. there are definitely some changes we can make to improve the styling experience for our users. i've shared your feedback with the team but if there's anything else you want to add, your input here would be super helpful:
voting for this, couldn't be more on point