Knowledge Base can't find info if not completely s...
# 🤝help
I have product info in the knowledge base. For example, asking "How much is the bio-restorative night cream?" brings a correct answer - the price of the product. However, when I ask "How much is bio-restorative?" - it can't find the answer. I am wondering how to be able to lookup KB info without having to spell out everything to the last letter. After all ChatGPT has no problem with it - it can perfectly match incomplete terms to the available complete ones. In fact, I was sure this would just work - what am I missing?
Could you screenshot the Debugger -> Logs -> kb like the below for both phrases?

Really strange behavior...

An interesting example how it handles 2 products. One full name is CLEARACNE WASH. The second one is MILD SILKY CLEANSING GEL. So, when I specify "clearacne" - it has no idea what I mean. However, when I specify "mild silky" - it knows exactly that I mean Mild Silky Cleansing Gel. It's not consistent! Some products it can match up, while others it can't, and there is no way to know in advance. Just in case, I checked on ChatGPT - ChatGPT can handle all those cases with grace, with no problems - can always match up to the full product name, no matter what kind of a shortcut for a product I specify.

Oh I see! that's because we use Bing for the web search and type correction is turned off on those web searches. We have a website crawler coming up soon that will fix this issue, as it won't rely on web searches to retrieve the content for GPT
There isn't really a good workaround for now in the meantime appart from upload the content of the website as documents (ie. exporting to PDF and uploading it to botpress)
Ah no problem, I'll do PDF for now - Thank you!
Meanwhile, anxiously waiting for the web crawler to be born 🙂
almost there 🙂