bot take wrong route by itself+ give wrong/incompl...
# 🤝help
1 I give clear Logic from nodes , to nodes, but sometimes in che conversation the bot triggers some node that are not connected with the previous one 2 i ve given a 64 Pages PDF where are written all the info about a client, when i asked "where are located all your offices" It gave wrong and incomplete answer, but in the PDF i provided to KB there are clear info for that ( I human checked) Are common issues from botpress? If someone can help me I'll provide screenshot and example for my issues thanks
can you provide some screenshots for your first question?
In this case the bot continue to reply with same node (4) but, Is connected to another One (5)

In this case i had a single choice in the node (1) i asked a random question and he triggered the (3) node. Seems like he assumed for Itself wich One of the two choices i made, just writing , Is right?

hmm, I can't determine why it would be guessing here
I'm gonna tag @acceptable-gold-88171 who might be able to help more 🙂
Ok thank you