Knowledge based bot less knowledge outside of edit...
# 🤝help
I have created a purely knowledge based bot based on several pdf resources. When in Edit mode It is excellent but when outside or used via a link it doesnt know most of the answers to the exact same questions. I cannot understand this? Please assist
can you provide some examples of the problem you're running into so we can try to replicate it?
yeah will do
as u can see the answers in edit mode (first 2) are much better and in the second question it was able to answer it where as if i go out of edit mode (image 3 and 4)it cant. This is the same with many questions. The knowledge is limited

thank you for any assistance @User
@wonderful-translator-19747 interesting! thanks for supplying these screenshots
have you been publishing your bot before trying it outside of the editor? this makes the latest version live
Yeah I have been publishing. Is there a limit to the number of pdfs the knowledge base can process ?
there shouldn't be, no 🤔
If you would like to, you can log in and test it yourself? Very keen to get this to work . 😊 Thanks
I prefer to recreate the problem on my own bot so I can see what happened!
in the meantime, can you show me a screenshot of your full bot?
If there's anything else you need let me know. Thanks so much !

one immediate suggestion is that your bot might be running into a problem because you have so many KBs uploaded - are you telling it to prioritize a certain one?
I haven't no, not sure on how to. If it didn't get a good answer from one would it not try the next? Strange how it works great in edit mode
Would it be best if I put all the pdfs in one knowledge base?
when im working with multiple KBs, I like to organize them by folder, like so:

this way your bot will query one at a time, but it'll require you to pick which one you want to query
otherwise, you can try merging everything into a single knowledge base and see what happens
Ah perfect, I will give this a go and see how it works out. I appreciate your assistance 🙏🙂
you should also fiddle around with the KB "descriptions" - here you can tell your Bot "what" your KB is, and what it should prioritize, for example
I suspect that's what's going wrong here, but good luck!
Thanks again 👍