Using Intents and Knowledge Base in the same node
# 🤝help
I have an event chatbot and my intent is that if the user says "stage" it will show the stage photo for the event. I have a knowledge base enabled in the same workflow so that if other questions are asked the knowledge base can pick it up. However when I type "stage" it doesn't get to the intent section because the knowledge base has tried to answer the question before it arrives at the intent quesiton How would I use the manually answer question option, so that it goes to the intent first and if it doesn't fit the intent it asks the knoweldge base
In the Knowledge Agent configuration there is the option "Answer Manually". When you enable ityou have to manually answer using {{ turn.KnowledgeAnswer.answer}}. So you ckeck if the user typed "stage" if not show the kb answer via {{ turn.KnowledgeAnswer.answer}}
Thank you!
you are welcome dear