Instagram & Whatsapp Integration
# 🤝help
Hi, I have a problem integrating the bot with instagram and whatsapp. On both platforms, the bot does not turn on. I have a verified company in meta. The phone number is currently being verified, so maybe that's why whatsapp doesn't work, but instagram I don't know why. The messenger and website bots works. ( there is a problem with repetitive messages, but support supposedly fixes it) According to botpress's instructions, I should subscribe to 3 fields: - messages, - instagram_manage_messages - messaging_postbacks, but I don't have "instagram_manage_messages" Anyone can help?

Facing similar issue, been awhile and not sure what's the update. Following this post.
Btw, how did you fix repetitive messages?
Support is working on this. On the website it just stopped repeating (almost).
I am having the same problem with instagram integration, following this post as well. I hope we get an answer soon.
c This might be the only solution right now? Which requires you to go through a lengthy verification process
Is there anything that we have to do on our end? Any tweaks or changes to the flows
@rich-battery-69172 @bumpy-butcher-41910
It will be great if we can get some guidance on instagram integration.
There is a documentation but it does not work. I am sure the team was able to get it to work, it will be great if they can provide guidance or at least a suggestion on who we can hire to do this
Yes I agree that would be nice 🙂