Finished my Botpress chat bot and wanted to get he...
# 🤝help
Hey guys, I added the code for my chat bot to my website and needed some help getting it to stay at the bottom right of the screen while the user scrolls. What it is doing, is being implemented into the layout of the website and is making a huge gap in between the text. On top of that, its not fixated at the bottom right when I scroll. Not sure if it is relevant, but I am using Google Sites.

@bright-magazine-792 can you help us here?
Meanwhile, did you try our
And did you check our documentation about customization?
Thank you for the response Bassam, but I am still unable to get the chat box where I want it. I plugged in the code from the botpress documentation web customization section and made sure it was correct with chat gpt but still nothing.
@famous-jewelry-85388 @bright-magazine-792 I hate to be annoying and I know theres other people that need help too, but I just need this done. I think it might be something with where I am adding the code from the Botpress Documentation to the embedded code from Botpress workspace.
Hey! @square-helmet-23978 May I know how are you adding the webchat script to your page?
I am adding the script from Botpress Documentation under the embedded code from the workspace
Okay, I've tested this on my own google sites. I can reproduce the problem
The problem is from Google Sites' way of adding scripts. There are limited options available to add custom code. One of it is the iFrame. iFrames in google sites does not cover the entire screen, thus appears at one particular section

So I am unable to get the chatbot icon to stay in the bottom right corner, while the user scrolls, using Google Sites?
Yeah thats exactly whats happening to me
exactly! you need to switch to other site builders who offer script injection to the entire page and not just part of it like iframes
Alright, thank you for the help bro
No problemo!