Botpress bot upload error.
# 🤝help
@bumpy-butcher-41910 look at the recording, please I have tried everything possible, this is screwing up at lot of things for me😫. Please any help will be highly appreciated.
can you confirm for me that you tried clearing your cookies?
& when you tried clearing your cookies, were you logged out of all other websites you had visited?
yes, exactly. i did that a million times, and i was logged out.
are you able to publish other bots in your workspace?
No, i can give you my account to see for yourself
haha that's alright I believe you
I'm just trying to duplicate your issue, as publish is working fine for me
this is the only bot in my workspace
can you create another bot and see if publish works on another one?
I have exactly the same problem as @ancient-author-26489.
please give mee asec
@User yes the new bot published successfully. please the old one is my clients bot how can i solve this issue
no need to tag me! I'm here haha
can you do the following: 1. right click in the right-hand panel of the studio 2. click Inspect 3. in the inspector window, click on the "Network" tab" 4. now, record your screen, and click 'Publish' again -> make sure to record the Inspector window as you do this
ok give me a minute
you can do the same, if you'd like!
please i cant find the inspector tab
Right click in the window that says "Main Workflow Properties"
please nothing is happening in the inspect option by chrome
please what should i look out for exactly
can you be more specific by what you mean when you say "nothing is happening"?
I recorded everything, it's currently uploading. I'll send it in a few moments.
please, is just a bunch of website html code written everywhere
@User Please can you help me i have a lot of difficulty recording this. I seems there is some kind of network problem.
The HTTP request to update the bot seems to be taking a bit of time in the video recording Aurélien shared, but as usual with network requests there are multiple factors involved (both on the client and server side). @brash-cricket-68797 could you try again and let us know if it's still happening, and take note of the time it takes before the request either completes or times out? Also, could you copy the contents of the "Payload" section in the Network tab of the dev tools of the HTTP request and share it with us here?
@bumpy-butcher-41910 @brash-cricket-68797 , please can you help me out this is my recording and i cant publish my bot.
Thanks @famous-zoo-73118 . Timeout after 70 seconds. I hope I understood it right: {,…} code : "var nne=Object.defineProperty;var kQt=Object.getO configuration : {schema: {type: "object", properties: {}, additionalProperties: false}} schema : {type: "object", properties: {}, additionalProperties: false} additionalProperties : false properties : {} type : "object" events : {,…} schedulev1 : {schema: {type: "object", properties: {destination: {type: "object"}}, required: ["destination"],…}} schema : {type: "object", properties: {destination: {type: "object"}}, required: ["destination"],…} additionalProperties : false properties : {destination: {type: "object"}} destination : {type: "object"} type : "object" required : ["destination"] 0 : "destination" type : "object" recurringEvents : {} states : {agentsBotVariables: {type: "bot", schema: {}},…} agentsBotVariables : {type: "bot", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "bot" agentsConversationVariables : {type: "conversation", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "conversation" agentsUserVariables : {type: "user", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "user" agentsWorkflowsVariables : {type: "conversation", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "conversation" botVariables : {type: "bot", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "bot" context : {type: "conversation", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "conversation" session : {type: "conversation", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "conversation" userVariables : {type: "user", schema: {}} schema : {} type : "user"
Thanks Aurelien, will look into this and get back to you.
@ancient-author-26489 could you click on that little "x" on the right in order to close the console which is getting in the way of seeing the contents of the "Network" tab and if it's not too much trouble send us the recording again to see the HTTP requests? If you see one that becomes red (please wait up to 70 seconds for the requests to finish and possible time out) please open it and scroll through its details so we can see what's going on. Thanks!
@famous-zoo-73118 @bumpy-butcher-41910 please this is the updated clip. Your help will be highly appreciated
Thanks, we'll be looking into this and get back to you folks!
@User @User thanks, i will be waiting for it. Please lastly, in the integration setting of by bot, the image link i inserted was from my google drive, but the image is not showing tried a couple of times. Secondly, please how can i make my bot attract visitors attention on the web by first say hi, instead of the visitor to decide to click the bot icon.
Yes, it's possible to have the bot proactively say hi to the user, please check our #1132033181076443147 channel for details on how to do that
uploading from a google drive shouldn't work because the file format should be something like .png or .jpeg, which is not how google stores + shares images from your drive
Update: It seems like this problem was correlated to my internet connection. I am now connected to faster internet, now everything worked perfectly.
Thanks for reporting back Aurelien 😄 Yes, we have been investigating and basically the BP Studio has a timeout for publishing and that time is easily reached with big-enough bots (noticed yours is around 10 MB) and a slower internet connection, as the moment the publish button basically has to reupload the complete bot every time is clicked.
@bumpy-butcher-41910 Thank you very much, please where can i host the image am going to use for my bot
you can use any image hosting service that will host the image for you 🙂