Difficulty of integration into Messenger
# 🤝help
Someone was really able to integrate the chatbot to Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp.... ? It seemed very easy, but apparently it is not, they ask a lot of things to publish your application/chatbot in Messenger, or at least I saw it that way and I could not achieve it because of the complexity of the requirements they ask you. Someone has, knows or has already done it? it would be nice a help, please.
@wide-salesmen-49240 I am not even able to make a Meta Developers Account to start whatsapp integration. I'm currently exploring other options.
Yea Meta requirements are very hard to achieve since April
its pretty hard mate
im doing whatsapp integration, pretty hard
i got stuck at the stage taht fb doesnt let me put a phone number thats isnt a test number
to do that i have to verify the data of my company
the thing is...im doing all of this just to discover whether there is a business with botpress+whatsapp integration or something
i dont own a company so i dont have the proper papers to validate
hence im stuck
pretty hard to use
I did the integration with Facebook Messenger in no time. It took me less than 20 min. I followed this tutorial:


I created a Chatbot using BotPress and I have already integrated my published chatbot into Messenger and it's working. When I chat as an Admin, the bot replies as expected, I am able to click on the buttons as expected. However, at some point, it uses a false route. For example, User clicks on A, the User is supposed to see B, but instead, they see X, which is not the right flow as it has been set up on BotPress. I have verified my chatbot conversation flow and it is working fine on Webchat for instance. Please advise. Webhooks: "messages" and "messaging_postbacks" are already enabled. I have not submitted the app for review yet as I need to solve this issue first.
Since it’s so difficult to integrate botpress to messenger, does anyone know if I will be able to set it up on a clients existing Facebook page?
I did it mate. It was not that complicated.
Oh thanks, it’s also possible to do on a clients existing page?
I understand your point, integrating it is quite easy as indicated in the botpress tutorial, but the problem is that the chatbot/application must be sent for review and must be verified so that it responds to third parties, since it only responds to the administrator. And as indicated above it is very difficult, they ask you a lot of things to verify it.
Ah, got it. I was already administrating the page where I put the bot. Maybe that's why it was easier.
Sure. I thought there was a way to speed up the process or at least make it easier, but apparently this is the only way : (
Guys, just to make it clear. Integrating Botpress with the Messenger is quite direct, works always. The trick is when you want to publish your Meta App to allow everyone to use, this is a Meta thing, and you will face it with any platform (not only chatbot platforms). It's painful but you have to go through it 🤷 @brash-monitor-99817 did you try it from another account?
I'm having this difficulty. The integration is easy but it isn't available for it to be live for the public as in others cannot chst to the bot, only you can. I've tried a few times now and it rejects publishing the Meta App so a video of potentially showing this would be beneficial.
Hello, I have a question about messenger, I'm stuck on the fact that facebook technical support is asking me to give them the passwords to my facebook profile so they can test the robot, even though they saw a video that it works. But I can't give them access and password, especially when there is two-factor login. There are also payment methods and such in my profile. This is very strange, did you also have to give your details? Do you know how to solve this vicious circle?
Hi Islam, I am sorry this is out of our area of expertise, that is totally a Meta App thing. I am sure you will find a ton of videos on how to do it. I found this, I hope it helps:


@acceptable-gold-88171 did you face this before?
I refused to give technical support my details. They replied that I should create a new profile on Facebook where I do not have to provide information about myself and create it only for testing. Then I registered him on the developers facebook and added him as a tester which I gave them with the login details. It's really interesting to do this, the whole process is for writing a book. To make matters worse, I have now handed him over for a manual check, but I found out that he replies twice on messenger, so I expect a rejection. But he answers only 1 time on the website. I don't understand that at all, do you have experience with it, why does he reply twice on messenger?