Why use Stack AI instead of built in AI Task?
# 🤝help
Hello! First of all its a pleasure to meet the Botpress community. I really love how friendly and welcoming you guys are both here and on YouTube. I have a burning question that I've been trying to find an answer for all over the internet, but wasn't able. So I've been watching a bunch youtube videos on AI chatbots and automation, and some youtubers say that botpress'es knowledge base answering isn't that good and that I should use Stack AI as a fallback for Knowledge Base answers, instead of simply using the built in AI Task. No-one seems to explain exactly why Stack AI is better than the built in AI Task. Could you guys please enlighten my ignorance? 😆
maybe some of them are so big advocates just because they have an affiliate link :/ just kidding.. I'm interested to know aswel
I actually thought the same😂 The only difference that i observed is that stack ai uses the knowledge base when giving an answer. The AI Task cant do that, unless you type the whole thing in the prompt..It would be nice to connect the KB to it though.. But to pay that much money just for that doesent seem right to me.. So botpress for the win lol😁👍
The ai task can answer from kb
Look at the thread i sent
I read the thread, and maybe im stupid but i can't find that AiChatLoop setting anywhere..