# 🤝help
I have encountered a problem while I was trying to integrate my ChatBot with whatsapp and here is the Logs where the problem is as shown to me by @famous-jewelry-85388, can someone from the BotPress team help me identify and fix the problem exactly?

Hi @eager-dress-91787! 1. Could you let me know your bot ID? So I can check if the error is due to a bug on the bot itself or on our side? 2. Is this error only appearing on your logs but not causing issues, or is it actually preventing your bot from working?
This is the Report ID: 4f671c05-cb9a-4fb6-bad2-7df0e289b524 and this is the link to the ChatBot: And about the error it causes a massive issue as when I integrate the Chatbot with WhatsApp and I send a message to the Test Number it only replies with the text field and stops! it doesn't even send the Image attached in that same first node nor the Choice option and then the whole chat just stops it doesn't respond anymore to any messages, Would be really appreciated if you figure out the problem for me, thanks in advance @famous-zoo-73118.
Thanks @eager-dress-91787 , looks like there's a hidden internal error happening here. We're working on making this kind of internal errors easier to track and this is going to be deployed in the next few days. As soon as we have improved this I'll personally get back to you and let you know so you can test again in order to get an error ID from the Logs which will allow me to track down the exact cause of this. Thanks for your patience!
Great thank you so much @famous-zoo-73118
@eager-dress-91787 We've deployed the improvements to our error handling, and you should now be able to see an Error ID in the Logs when this kind of unexpected errors happen. If you want to test your bot again and get an error, just copy/paste the error ID here and we'll be able to get more precise details of what happened. Thanks for your patience!
Where do I find the error ID exactly in the Logs tab I only recieve this error in the logs as shown in the picture provided

@famous-zoo-73118 can you guide me exactly on where I can find the error ID?
@eager-dress-91787 It's on the 7th line of the screenshot, right after it says "Internal request failed".
Ok so where you able to figure out what is the problem with the WhatsApp integration in my ChatBot @famous-zoo-73118
@famous-zoo-73118 Can you just update me whenever you can please and thank you