Bot asking additional questionz
# 🤝help
Hey everyone, I was talking with my client about functions of his chatbot and he asked me if it is possible to make chatbot ask additional questions before answering from database to better understand question
Hey @full-gpu-42216 that's possible in Botpress, yes. You can use the new "query knowledge bases" card to search the KB with whatever you want. I've had good success with a logic like: 1. Search the KB with the user's raw query 2. If nothing comes up, use the AI task to come up with a relevant followup/disambiguation question 3. Use another AI task to generate a new query from the user's first question, the AI question, and the user's answer 4. Search the KB with this new, synthetic query

so it should look like a node with first query, then if nothing comes up it goes to another node with ai task, where ai generates question and in the same node it gets another knowledge card and puts in this query to get answer and if no answer is generated the answer is something like "sorry i dont know"
that's one way to do it, yeah