Personality agent went too far
# 🤝help
Hey guys, I am trying to give my bot a real simple personality, which is to answer user questions as an assistance of my company team like: "we operate in..." and "our platform is..." the problem is that when enabled it changes all of my custom text messages to the user which I don't want to change... I tried to adjust his personality prompt without any success. Does somebody know how to fix that? Thanks a lot

hey @purple-xylophone-10745, the personality agent will always change all outgoing text to be more aligned with the instructed personality. If you only want to change certain messages, you cannot use the personality agent and need to do something else, like AI Task cards.
Ok thank you Gordy, so for example if I only want the answers from KB to be personalized should I create an AI task in this specific KB nodes to rewrite KB answers like I want?
Yeah that's one way to do it
Ok ill try that thanks!