Determine user interaction with the Bot - the "Car...
# 🤝help
Hey there 😊 is there by any chance a way to determine whether a button of the carousel or card where clicked by the user? To have the bot's interaction with the user depend on that. I mean - have the bot wait with his next message until the button was clicked, and if after a specified amount of time it wasn't, have the bot go to the next card. Moreover, is there a way to determine the transition to the next node after an interaction with one of the card/carousel buttons was made (the button was clicked) ? Many thanks in advance !
This is a good question let me look into it
The only action a card button can do it send the user to a link. How are you using the button so it an interact with the flow? Or is that your question :P?
I'll share with you my goal - I want to have the user click on the button to go to a link.
then, I want to set a condition: if the button was pressed ,I want to have the bot transition to a specific node (executed by expression/intent card. __Alternatively__ - Present a capture information Single choice card, but only after the button was clicked __OR__ after a specified amount of time). Hope I explaind my goal well ! Thanks for you reply and for looking into the matter @rich-lamp-98721 😊
I see let me check what I can find
Thanks for the explaination I know exactly what you are looking for let's now see if we can find a solution
hey @rich-lamp-98721 , hope you are well.
any updates?
Hello sorry for the delay, I asked the team, and this is not in the product yet but definitely coming.