Unable to publish bot
# 🤝help
The code provided does not work properly. Please advise how to make this work correctly Thank you


Hey, can you give some more context to the question?
Yes thank you. I have tried to publish this bot but I ended up with this see the pic below. I modified CSS but for the correct parameters however the result is the same. When published only the header and the bottom are visible. The actual chat window is hidden although I set it's height and width.Thank you for you help 🙏


Hi, can I take a look at the code you're using to embed the chatbot on your website?
@freezing-elephant-85019 Thank you greatly appreciated
@freezing-elephant-85019 here is the docx file
@freezing-elephant-85019 Just to let you know I finally figured it out what was wrong.Thank you for your help 🙏