Bot publishing error
# 🤝help
@bright-magazine-792 I was wondering if you could tell me how to solve this. I have tried to publish my bot but Only the header is visible.not the chats body. I have modified the css to the best I could but the result is the same. Can you guide me to fix this? Been stuck with this issue for days now.Any help would greatly appreciated 👍🙏

Hey @future-airport-33386 !
Can you deploy it somewhere so I can debug the site from my end?
Use this to create a basic layout and then edit it as you want
@bright-magazine-792 thank you I am currently publishing in a WordPress subdomain to test it Would u like to get the subdomain?
@future-action-19564 thank you. I did that. I used the styler but then result is the same. Any other suggestions will greatly appreciated🙏
thats strange, have you modified the css of the bot beforehand which has caused it to look like this? And if so, then have you tried deleting all the css you wrote and replacing it with the one the Webchat Styler gave.
@future-airport-33386 yeah a subdomain works
oh yes
I got it
did you add your own botID?
to the config?
Yes it is working now Thanks 🙏