Manual Answers not working properly
# 🤝help
Help ! I ran into this problem can someone please guide me out of this dark path . 💀 So I was setting up Manuals answers fail back , using Record card . If users ask questions that knowledge base have no answers , then the Expression Card should direct them to the Record card to records all those question . So the problem I ran into is now the bot always direct into the Record card no matter what . Even when the question answered by the KB 🫠 Please take a look and halp a brother out !!! Thank you !! 🙏 🙏 🙏

Have you tried changing the order? I know it's silly but that has worked for me. So, query the Kb then if no answer is found, redirect otherwise, simply answer (Right know you answer and then redirect)
I dont quite get it . Changing the order of my cards you mean ?
My problem is even tho the Bot already found the answer in the KB , in the Event bugger it somehow goes thru as !turn.knowledge.responded instead of turn.knowledge.responded . I dont know how to fix this
yes, so I am unsure why you get that bug, but I would separate it maybe that way you fix it? like this: