Sitemap greyed out
# 🤝help
When I try to add the sitemap it remains greyed out - what am I doing wrong? Sorry...

Add .xml at the end
Yes site maps use the extention .xml Example: I think users should be careful when using sitemaps or even just websites as knowledges based. SEO plays a huge factor in how a website is crawled, if the website is not SEO optimised then the bot will have a hard time finding correct information. Things to consider when using websites as knowledge bases: Has the website got 1. Good page titles 2. Good meta descriptions 3. H1 / H2 tags 4. Readable text A lot of websites lack these features hence why google won’t pick them up as essentially botpress is using the same method as good would to get information about what the site is offering.
I completely agree ... my experience so far with that option in botpress is not great ... Try more options and sitemap and site search and you will see what works best. If the site is not too complex, I advise you to create your own document or text file If it is complex, there will still be problems, so maybe in that case it is better to do a little manual work to create the KB
I did try adding the .xml as you can see but it didn't work. I'll make a document in anycase and thanks for the swift advice. Excellent.

Not every site has to have a sitemap.xml. Here's how chatGPT explains the sitemap. (honestly I didn't read it, I just copied the paste, but I believe he hit the point) A sitemap is a file containing a list of all the pages and content on a website. It's typically an XML file named "sitemap.xml". The sitemap provides information to search engines about the site's structure, including URLs, the last update date, change frequency, and page priorities. This file helps search engines like Google to index the site's content more quickly and efficiently, enhancing the site's visibility in search results and search engine optimization (SEO). I'm glad we helped. Best of luck