New Guy Here
# 🤝help
Hi. I’m new to the group. I have a question. I have a website with multiple courses. If I wanted to create a knowledge base, would I have to create a knowledge base for each individual course? Thanks for your time
Welcome to the Community! Totally 🙂 - you can either upload multiple KB or have everything in one document but make sure to identify what is what. Maybe easier to create a doc for each course.
Seems like creating a doc for each course would be easier. And I place the URL link in the add from URL field
Totally doable unless you have 10000 courses 😛
I have quite a few but not 10000….🤣🤣🤣🤣
My website is supposed to come with coaching so this would be a great help
Hey @orange-fall-35321 I faced the same difficulty when I started, I can assist you in separating the knowledge and creating individual flows for each course If you need help with this 🙂
That is nice 🙂 @ambitious-vr-9887